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Invincible Summer

Invincible Summer - Hannah Moskowitz There's something about a character driven plot that's remarkably refreshing after paranormal after paranormal.Invincible Summer is not what I expected. (Nothing is ever what I expect, I really have to stop judging books by their cover.) I thought it would be this light, fun read. Light? Definitely not. Fun? Not the word I'd use.The problem is, I'm not sure what I can really say about it. I loved it, but I can't find the words to tell you why.Oy.Another misconception the cover gave me was the point of view. I thought this would be about the girl on the cover, but it's actually from a teen boy's perspective. (I didn't read the blurb before I began reading the novel) I think for the first time, I genuinely felt like a female author nailed the teenage boy mind. (not that I really know what goes through a teenage boy's mind, but I've never read a book from a boy's perspective that felt 100% authentic, until now)There are so many different themes woven throughout the story, it's hard to pinpoint what I would consider the central theme. There's rape, emotional abuse, fear, disabilities, death, coming of age, divorce, sex, family dynamics. One of these things is something I'm not a fan of reading about, because I feel as though I've dealt with it enough in life. I won't say which it is, because I really don't want to spoil anything. But I will say, it makes me want to hate Invincible Summer. But I don't--I can't. Because the book is written beautifully, with life-like characters, and a story I'm not likely to forget.I've never read Moskowitz's first novel, Break. Always wanted to, but never did. Now, I kind of think I have to.