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Waiting for You

Waiting for You - Shey Stahl 1.5 starsThis book deserves some sort of award....for having the most misleading cover and blurb in the history of covers and blurbs. It is nothing like it appears to be, and if you're looking for a sweet, fun road trip book, look elsewhere, because this is NOT it.This is a story about two spoiled, self-righteous kids who hate their lives, despite the fact that even with their demons, they still have it better than a hell of a lot of teens these days. They channel all of this hatred into their love, and then into destroying each other. It was sad, sure, but mostly I just couldn't stand either of them.I really hate to give this book such a low rating, because I've read much worse (I'm looking at you, Fifty Shades), and I actually enjoyed the beginning despite my distaste for the characters. But there were so many problems, and it disappointed me so much, that I can't find it in myself to look for any other positive things to say.-There are a lot of grammar and punctuation errors that were impossible for me to ignore. -He calls her "brown eyes" so. many. times. Sometimes multiple times on the same page. It was annoying.-At one point, Dylan "jokingly" threatens to kill her father, and she tells him not to do that because he'd go to jail. Not because he's, ya know, her FATHER, but because he would go to jail. -Sex scenes toward the end bordered on rape, particularly one where he made her give him a blowjob to "show him how sorry she was". He forced her head into his lap, and she was crying. The fact that she didn't physically resist, however, would probably make some people take it in stride. Not me, though. It disgusted me.-Dylan can't control himself in fits of jealousy, but when it comes to letting her keep her "innocence", he's the poster boy for self-control. This, among so many other things, made me feel like he was a very inconsistent character, and not in a way that made him seem human. -I still don't understand why SHE was so destroyed by the secret Dylan kept. His mother was the one who was dead. I probably could have appreciated Waiting for You if it had been done a bit differently, because I realize that relationships like this do exist, and they deserve a story. My problem is when you wrap it up in a pretty package and make it seem like something it's not. Maybe it's to garner sales, or maybe to someone else, this cover and blurb seem appropriate. To me, they belong to something else. To me, they're glorifying it.